Saturday, June 6, 2015

Action logics of agents: from gathering to farming

It may be interesting to consider how agents ie individuals use more complex and more systemic logics to achieve greater success. Here is a quick - & - dirty example. first, for hunter - gatherers, the logic is quite simple and linear. Find food, see food, get food, eat food. Easy! second, also more complex, is the logic necessary for an agrarian agent. There, the agent must understand how the combination of Sun, soil, water, and seeds R concatenated to result in the growth of food. With that, the food is then found obtained and consumed. Thus the agrarian logic includes / subsumes the gatherer logic. and, of course, makes the gatherer part of the process so much easier. The main idea here, is that agrarian agents have and use a logical structure that is more complex and more systemic then the logic structure of the gather agent. thus, we may see that the logic provides a better representation of our complex and systemic world. And, as a result, supports the greater success of the agrarian agents compared with the gatherer agents.

This suggests a very interesting question. when considering ourselves as agents, who are using a logic of some complexity and systemicity. How complex and systemic is your / my logic of life, and how much more successful / productive / fulfilled might we be if we increase the complexity and system icity of our logics?

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